You are currently viewing The Chris Arnold Travel Podcast, Episodes 1-10!

The Chris Arnold Travel Podcast, Episodes 1-10!

Hello, good day, how are you doing? First of all, commiserations to the anti-trumpers, congratulations to the pro-trumpers. We’re of course not chatting about attitudes towards breaking wind (if only) but the current president-elect. Now, regardless of your thoughts on the matter, isn’t it time we all focused on something other than the American presidential election, which feels like it’s been going on since 1756. “Yes, we agree!” you call back at your computer screen, well have we got the thing for you!

Chris (chief beaner, bad singer, fond of diner) has been out of the UK since September the 1st and has been podcasting his way around the globe. He reached 10 episodes last weekend which marks 60 whole minutes of his travel podcast, originally called ‘The Chris Arnold Travel Podcast’. There’s no podcast coming out this weekend, so why not put aside an hour and listen back to his journey thus far…

If you’re not a fan of Soundcloud (and we know many of you aren’t), you can also check out the podcast on iTunes, Acast and Stitcher.

Episode 11 shall be uploaded next weekend, assuming his laptop doesn’t crash or his voice doesn’t disappear. Thanks for listening folks and be sure to leave an iTunes review if you’ve dug his stylings!