You are currently viewing The Cool Beans Getogethers: Episodes I – VI

The Cool Beans Getogethers: Episodes I – VI

Much like the Star Wars franchise, The Cool Beans Getogethers radio episodes have been a storming success all around the globe with millions in the bank thanks to all the spin offs and merchandise. And also there are six of them. The latter actually being the most accurate resemblance to the Star Wars franchise.

The Cool Beans Radio Show is off the air for a few weeks now but will return on the 19th August where we’ll be back with a brand new slot and theme song, not to mention new features, guests and life tips. But August the 19th is a long way away, a very long way away. In the meanwhile why not enjoy the Cool Beans Getogethers from start to finish? It’s the listening experience that mainly includes Chris Arnold chatting with people of interest about their lives, experiences and musical preferences. Tangents feature heavily and you never know where the conversation could turn to next. It’s the beauty of the beans!

Basically press play, sit back and relax!

1. Sam Walby & James Opus (Now Then Magazine)

2. Tim Walker & Olly Galvin (Tribe of Xanadu)

3. Jimmy May & Mark Leeming & Dom Kidson

4. Mr Benn (Nice Up! Records)

5. Heather Croall & Hussain Currimbhoy (Sheffield Doc/Fest)

6. The Grand Old Ukes Of Yorkshire