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The Legend Of The West Lives On….

He disappeared out of our lives so quickly and suddenly, we forgot how much of a celtic treasure the Welsh Whisperer really was. He gave and gave all day until the cows came home, and then he spent his evenings milking said cows and milking said cows (in an extremely unorthodox manner mind) until the people came home. But cattle molestation aside, when the Welsh Whisperer left Sheffield for the Wild West there was a Welsh Whisperer shaped hole left in every man and woman in town. I, for one, have only just stopped crying.


However! He’s been hard at work in his celtic studios recording tracks, taking amusing pictures and he’s finally bought a dial-up modem and figured out how to use the internet. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Welsh Whisperer’s soundcloud page…

I didn’t think hits came bigger than that to be honest!
He’s also bigger on health now then he’s ever been, gone are the tar-downing days of yore, the Welsh Whisperer is now anti-smoking, and he explains why…

He certainly still loves the ladies though, woof!

On top of all this if you listen very carefully you can hear The Welsh Whisperer on our latest podcast here and our latest mix here.

Welsh Whisperer – we salute you! Keep on doing what you do!